The Why, Where and When

In May 2011 my daughter, Judith Prays, suggested that we do some Torah study together. It was an exciting proposition for me. Undeterred by ...

35. B'midbar - Take (Naso)

in which special preparations necessary for Moses to come in contact with God are described.

by Judith Prays

Steps to connect to God:

1.  The Mishkan attendants appointed           
 a.   8580 Levite males between 30 and 50 are ordained to serve in the Mishkan
2.  Camp purified physically and spiritually:
            a.    Get rid of sickness and uncleanliness - Remove everybody with bodily discharge or if they had contact with a corpse
  b.     Get rid of guilt -Compensate anybody you feel you have wronged
c.     Get rid of jealousy and doubt - if a man feels jealous, submit his wife to a lie-detector test (no judging, please)
 d.    Elevate your spirit -  take the vows of a nazirite
3.  Sons of Aaron give the Israelites a special blessing
4.  The Mishkan is readied for contact with G-d
a. Moses finishes erecting the Mishkan , sanctifies and anoints it and its altars
           b. Needed offerings are brought to the Mishkan for 12 days
5.  Contact!
“When Moses would come into the Tent of Meeting to speak with Him, he would hear the voice speaking to him from the two cherubim above the covering which was over the Ark of Testimony, and He spoke to him.”

by Nina Prays