The Why, Where and When

In May 2011 my daughter, Judith Prays, suggested that we do some Torah study together. It was an exciting proposition for me. Undeterred by ...

24. V'yikra - V'yikra (And He Called)

In which God, in minutest detail, gives Moses instructions on the varying types of offerings that need to be brought to the Tabernacle, and specific procedures of sacrifice..

It is said that each animal that g-d requests as the sacrifice matches the sin. 
The sheep, for example, represents meekness and following the herd. We all have those animal instincts, it is interesting to try to picture an actual animal that matches them. 
Also, they say the holier the man the higher his inclination towards evil - and I found that verified in the fact that the sin of a Kohen is equal to the sin of a whole congregation, both requiring a bull. 
Another saying floating around is G-d only gives you the challenges you can just barely handle, so that must mean the greater the temptation, the greater your potential for holiness.

judith prays

What happens when our knowledge 
is not needed anymore? 
We can forget and be dispirited or 
We can find what made us successful in acquiring the knowledge 
And use these gifts well. 

This is how the attention the rules of Korbanot, 
helped us become the people of knowledge:
jewelers, tailors, shoemakers, 
writers, lawyers and doctors.

By Nina Prays