The Why, Where and When

In May 2011 my daughter, Judith Prays, suggested that we do some Torah study together. It was an exciting proposition for me. Undeterred by ...

7. Bereishit - Vayetze (And he Went)

in which Jacob has a prophetic dream, of a ladder going up to heaven, and God promises Jacob and his descendants a brilliant future. When Jacob awakens, he swears allegiance to God, goes to Charan, wants to marry Laban"s younger daughter Rebecca, works 7 years for her, gets tricked into marrying her older sister Lea, then works another 7 years for Rachel. Many children are born to Jacob by Lea, Rachel and their handmaids, Joseph among then. After some family disputes, Jacob and Laban separate permanently.

Do Not Settle (like Jacob did not settle for Lea)

through insecurity and fear,
thinking that this option might be the last one, 
do not give up your nechama’s needs,
stay focused on your heart’s desire.
hold your dream firmly in mind, 
be worthy, pray fervently,
keep your eyes open, heart still.
above all -  be ready to act decisively,
on a moment’s notice.

by Nina Prays

Jacob's other dream - Judith Prays