In May 2011 my daughter, Judith Prays, suggested that we do some Torah study together. It was an exciting proposition for me. Undeterred by ...
34. B'midbar - In the Desert (B'midbar)
in which God tells Moses to conduct a census of all the Israelite males over the age of twenty. Moses takes up a second census to count all of the Levite males. God gives specific instructions to the Levites about their roles in the Tent of Meeting..
In the desert take a census of the sons, by Judith Prays
There is a popular commentary that Hashem counts the Jews because he loves them. The more I thought about it the less I bought it - I don't count the things I love. I'm not like, "Dear Diary, today I love 5 people." I'll usually say I love x and y. So what do I count? The first thing I thought of was pounds and money - but I don't really count them in a 1,2,3 way - I more keep track of them, which is motivated by wanting to stay in control. That's not very lovey. Arcady says that when he walks sometimes he counts cement blocks or trees and it's a way of calming himself down. Another time I take careful track of numbers is when I am measuring something, like water for challah or pixels for a site, but again this is not a 1,2,3 counting. The only time I could think of a 1,2,3 counting is when I am excited for an experience and I am counting days till it - but that is definitely not out of love for the days I am counting. So am I missing something? What is the difference between counting and measuring? And is G-d counting us because he loves us or is that Chasidic propaganda? Almost related: My first reaction to the parsha was THIS IS BORING and I told Yonatan that this excruciating detail had to be real because who would make this up. He says it's the same reason they don't let directors edit their own movies, because they become so attached to footage that maybe was expensive or hard to get or is pretty but doesn't fit the story and they insist on putting it in. Only Hashem would think these kind of details are very interesting and put it in his book.
By Judith Prays
Saved - at last
Safe - at last.
Going on an adventure.
Now, let us count Our most precious commodity
Able-bodied people...