The Why, Where and When

In May 2011 my daughter, Judith Prays, suggested that we do some Torah study together. It was an exciting proposition for me. Undeterred by ...

29. V'yikra - Aharei Mot (After the Death)

in which God speaks to Moses about Aaron mourning for Nadav and Avihu, who perished during the first Tabernacle sacrifice. God gives Moses and Aaron the rules for sacrifices, Yom Kippur, and describes sexual prohibitions.

How much can you sacrifice for peace?
And what is it that can be sacrificed?
And how do you know that you Have sacrificed too much?
You won’t.
If you give up too much
You will no longer be you, 
But a being diminished. 

How much can you sacrifice for 
Your principles? 
That you feel are just, 
But they are just that, principles
 In need of empirical proof. 
And how do you know when 
They are worth going to war for? 
And here we come again: sacrifice? 

Two sets of unanswerable questions. 
Somewhere between them Lies the Truth.
by Nina Prays