The Why, Where and When

In May 2011 my daughter, Judith Prays, suggested that we do some Torah study together. It was an exciting proposition for me. Undeterred by ...

13. Shemot - Shemot (Names)

in which Joseph and his generation die, the next generations of Israelites thrive, the next pharaoh, who did not know Joseph, perceives them as a threat and tries to crush them with hard labor, then orders to kill of all the male newborn, one of them being Moses, who is floated down the Nile by his mother, found by the pharaoh"s daughter and raised like a prince while nursed by his own mother. When Moses grows up, his heart is with his people and he kills an Egyptian who was mistreating a Jew.Pharaoh wants to kill Moses, Moses runs away to the Midian, there protects 7 Midian princesses, marries one of them, Tsipora. The Pharaoh dies, God has mercy on his children and decides to lead them out of slavery and shows up as a burning bush to Moses, promises to bring the Israelites to the "land of milk and honey", and delegates the earthly portion of the task to Moses, who after some resistance, discussion, and miracles, acquiesces, goes back to Egypt with his family and the magical staff God gave him. Along the way, Tsiporah circumcises Moses" son, God sends Aaron to meet Moses in the desert, Moses and Aaron go to the Israelites and tell them everything and are believed. Moses and Aaron to to the Pharaoh and ask him on behalf of YHVH to let the Israelites go. The Pharaoh rebukes them and makes the life of Israelites even harder. The Israelites blame their hardship on Moses and Aaron, Moses complains to God and God promises to force the Pharaoh let the Israelites go.

by Judith Prays

The road to good places
Leads through tight spaces.
G-d puts us through paces,
Increasing our strength.

When things do go south,
Or we find ourselves at bay,
“G-d will be with our mouth
And teach us what to say.”