The Why, Where and When

In May 2011 my daughter, Judith Prays, suggested that we do some Torah study together. It was an exciting proposition for me. Undeterred by ...

16. Shemot- B'shalach (And he Sent )

 in which God performs a miracle rescue operation, getting the Israelites out of Egypt and destroying the Egyptian army; the grateful women sing a song of praise to God; God teaches the Israelites the survival techniques in the desert and provides them with manna, that they were to collect for the next 40 years, six days a week. God lets Moses strike sweetwater out of a rock; the Israelites are attacked by the Amalekites but subdue them in battle under Joshua's command and God's protection emanating from Moses's hands..

The pillar of cloud, 
the pillar of fire - 
God’s attire. 
When dreams expire, 
when the need is dire, 
please, do not tire, 
the pillar of cloud, 
the pillar of fire.

by Nina Prays