The Why, Where and When

In May 2011 my daughter, Judith Prays, suggested that we do some Torah study together. It was an exciting proposition for me. Undeterred by ...

10. Bereishit - Miketz (At the End)

in which Pharaoh has two prophetic dreams that he needs interpreted; Joseph interprets the dreams as one prediction, proposes the way of dealing with what is predicted and is appointed the prime administrator for the Pharaoh, marries Azenath and has two sons. The famine begins in Egypt and Canaan, Jacob sends his sons to Egypt for food, Joseph accuses his brothers of spying and induces them to bring Benjamin, they bring Benjamin, Joseph places a silver goblet in Benjamin"s sack, and once the brothers leave the city, the soldiers catch them and accuse Benjamin of stealing; Joseph threatens to enslave Benjamin whole Judah pleads on Benjamin"s behalf.

The Road to Mastery 

The road to mastery lies through
The deep pit of uncertainty,
Ignoble slavery of menial tasks,
10,000 hours of prison, honing your skills.

And then… you are a master of your craft,
Basking in the glory of “This is easy”, 
Telling the young ones, “Don’t you lose heart…” 

But first: pit, slavery, prison…
Nina Prays
Judith Prays